Last chance to see the Everest Revisited exhibition at Rheged this week! Exhibition closes 16th March.

Scouts help raise over £500 for Mountain Heritage Trust

March 2018

A packed Bradley Wood Scout Camp listened to Mountain Heritage Trust ambassador and mountaineer Nigel Vardy recount his exploits across the globe back in November 2017. Over 100 people from the Scouts and other local outdoor groups listened to the early life and later journeys of the irrepressible climber. His talk ranged from the UK to the remote Andes, Himalaya, Africa, and of course his infamous expedition to Mt McKinley, Alaska in 1999 where Nigel Vardy suffered severe frostbite to his fingers, toes and nose, losing them all to surgery after being rescued.

Mountain Heritage Trust Vice-Chair Terry Tasker also briefly summarised the Trust’s recent activities and upcoming events, whilst a local Scout’s group gave an entertaining and well received presentation on their recent Duke of Edinburgh expedition.

Alongside this were stands from the local Scouts climbing group, the Duke of Edinburgh Award scheme, and the Mountain Heritage Trust where historic and modern climbing equipment such as ice axes and down clothing could be handled.

A pea and pie supper and raffle rounded off the successful evening with prizes kindly donated by the British Mountaineering Council.

Profits from the evening totalling £501.16 were donated to the Mountain Heritage Trust which has already been allocated to providing a new computer for the Trust’s activities. We would finally like to thank all who attended, the West Yorkshire Scouts for their help with organising the evening and Nigel Vardy for hosting such an engaging talk.

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