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Mountain heritage homeschool

March 2020

Looking for some inspiration for homeschooling your children? We've got some fantastic resources covering a range of mountain topics: from camping, food and exploration, to knot tying, litter and mountain equipment.

Subjects range from geography and history, to art and cooking (chocolate rocks anyone?). Resources are aimed at key stage 1 and key stage 2 children and there are background notes for teachers so no previous knowledge needed.

The links to the lesson resources are here:


Unfortunately our boxes and booklets aren't available at the moment as we don't have access to the office, but all of the activities are available to download with photographs of the mountaineering and climbing kit found in the boxes.

And just for fun we've got some great drawing and colouring activities including design your own ice axe and neck-warmer, and cut out paper mountaineers who come with a range of 1950s and 1970s clothing and accessories. You can find these here.

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