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Charlotte Whitmore


CHARLOTTE WHITMORE, a keen rock climber and mountaineer of many years, since being introduced to it at college and university. Over those years, she picked up the bug for Munro Bagging, gained a love for climbing gritstone, and enjoyed many an adventure in the mountains, either on foot or on skis across Europe and parts of Africa. More recently she completed a traverse of the Skye Cuillin Ridge as part of the Pinnacle Club Centenary and climbed the Old Man of Hoy in Orkney. When not out climbing on gritstone in the Peak District, Charlotte enjoys quality family time, including outdoors camping and adventuring with her husband and sons.

Charlotte has spent much of her career supporting businesses to become more sustainable, thus reducing their environmental impacts. She supports the Pinnacle Club to reduce its carbon footprint as well as advising other national clubs. Since 2018, she has been volunteering with the BMC as a Sustainability Advisor and more recently as a member of the OIA Sustainability Working Group.

Charlotte Whitmore

Trustees, Staff, Patrons & Advisors

A diverse and enthusiastic team are ensuring that mountain heritage is protected for now and for the future. We're a small team but we've got big ambitions.
